Our awesome recipes

Monday, October 26, 2015

I Didn't brew... Really. I didn't

Shocking as it may seem, I didn't brew this weekend.   I know that sounds weird coming from me, and it felt a little weird too.  But there was too much going on.  But that doesn't mean I didn't do any home brew related stuff, far from it.   I bottled the Belgian Strong Dark Ale, and I hosted a beer tasting at some friends post wedding brunch.

The BSDA bottled up with no issues.  I was helped out by my trusty bottling buddy, my youngest.   She actually enjoys bottling beer.   And she is really good at it.

Pretty Diverse Menu
for a beer loving crowd
On Sunday morning I got to join some friends for their post wedding brunch (Congrats John and Beth).  The food and the company were great.  I was asked to bring a sampling of beers.   I brought 7 gallons.  Confident in the notion that there would be leftovers.   My menu was pretty diverse.  Let me tell you, when John said their friends and family were into beer, he wasn't kidding.  Every one of their friends were into beer.  I mean really into beer with meaningful questions, and opinions.

By far the best casual beer tasting I have ever hosted. They drank all of the beer.   They had great feedback on the beer.   Over all I think they loved the beer.   Grandpa loved the Belgian Strong Dark ale (a bonus beer not on the menu, I force carbonated .5 gallons for fun and brought it along).  Father of the Groom loved the AIPA and he said, he doesn't like IPAs...

A couple of them are already beginning home brewers.   More of them now want to be.   So, I'd call that a win for team home brew.  We powered through from 11:00 AM to 5:30 PM.


Jake evaluating the Sour Blonde
"Barnyard Funkadelic"
The Cider is still bubbling away.   Should clear up by the weekend, the bubbles have really slowed down.

The rescue beer is dead.  Done, The acrid taste wont go away. I've used every trick in the book. So long sailor.   The drain awaits you, I did all I could...UPDATE;  for grins I hit this one with Saison Bret dregs.  It turned into one of the best sours I have ever brewed.  It is almost a year later now.  And we are just about to bottle this amazing beer.  

The scottish export will bottle this coming weekend.

The Centennial Blonde will bottle this weekend if it's at terminal OG.

The old school lager is lagering away at a crisp 38 F.

Miller the Muggle is still percolating, probably bottle next weekend.

Bonus.  I have developed a faster method for carbonating beers in bottles.   I have tried it now with 5 batches with no ill effects.   It works best in two liters, and pet bottles.  So stay tuned sports fans, Ill be posting about that soon.


1 comment:

  1. Update, the broken beer was not poured down the drain. it was hit with multiple dregs of bret. Some built up, some just poured in. It is 90 days into a minimum 180 day bret fermentation right now. Probably be able to enjoy this beer in the fall. Obviously some of these guys have become my brew team.
