Ok so this year has been tough. Two of our team had babies, I got a promotion, Mark... well Mark was already living the busy life of KC's most eligible bachelor. So we haven't been as active as we normally are.
But that doesn't mean we haven't been brewing. WE HAVE. We just haven't been posting about it. Recently we brewed a Belgian Blonde with Raspberries, A BDSA (with Dingemans...Post coming) and an American Light Lager that should be great once it finishes lagering, we also brewed a raspberry kolsch, and several pale ales. We have continued our sour projects as well. But now life is calming down a bit. So it is time to hit the blog and hit it hard. In upcoming weeks you will see blogs on our raspberry Belgian blonde, BDSA, a tripel, a spiced winter saison, and on our version of an East Coast India Pale ale. So we are getting back after it in a big way, hoping to finish the year strong.
But tonight, tonight is about a classic grapefruity Centennial India Pale Ale, with a twist. Tonight we keep it simple and we make a basic American classic. Our recipe has changed and grown from it's original simplicity but the heart of the recipe is still beating strong. A basic american india pale ale, inspired by an american classic, Centennial IPA. But when it is me and Mark, we never leave well enough alone. We always do something to push the limits and learn. So classic Amerian west coast IPA made with East Coast IPA techniques. Tonight we brew hazed and confused.
In keeping with our desired classic out come, we are keeping tonight's brew day simple. Just a single sachrification rest, with a sparge rinse. Brew in a bag, straight forward and easy. And we are no chilling the beer. The point? You can brew a beer on a week night, on your stove top. We are making 2.5 gallons of the beer.
We started the evening by drinking some wine I made as we got set up for brewing. If you make beer but you don't make wine, you are really missing out. I don't profess to be a sommelier, but I use Winexpert and Master Vintner kits to make wine that friends (1 of whom is a sommelier) assure me is fantastic stuff. I like it, they seem to love it. It's a win / win. I have made 20 or 30 different kits over the years (and some actual all grape wines) they have all been really good. My favorites winexpert kits are California Trinity White, and Diablo Rojo ( I leave out the K pack). My favorite Master Vintner kit so far is the weekday Pino Noir. I am making the wine makers reserve Moscato right now. Should be great by spring. If you think about it, you are really in the fermentation hobby. If you can make beer you can easily make wine, cider, mead... pizza, cheese, or even fermented pickles.
The most interesting thing about our brew? We are using a blend of 6 row and 2 row malt from Cargill Malts That has become our go to. You may ask why? Well first off, I would argue that 6 row is delicious and people should use more of it, but more importantly, because 6 row has more diastatic power than two row. Diastatic power is measured in degrees linter. The Linter scale is a measure of a malt's enzymatic ability to reduce complex starches into sugars. Where as most two row has about 100 degrees linter (up to 110) , Schreier™ Six-Row Pale has 145 degrees linter. It is just way more potent stuff. In theory it can convert it's own starches and upto 45% additional starches.
As brewer's we have all but forgotten about diastatic power. All modern base malts do a pretty good job converting themselves. But there was a time when diastatic power was a major component of our recipe planning as home brewers. I will admit it isn't such a big deal any more. But it is nice to know your grist is well designed for success. I would also add that 6 row malt tastes great. What does it taste like you ask... well it tastes like 6 row. I perceive it as more cracker like, and maybe a little sharper.
So we set out to brew an easy week night IPA with the no chill method. When you brew a no chill hoppy beer you need to make some adjustments to your hop schedule. The hops will be in contact with the hot wort for much longer than a standard batch. So basically, just back your flavor and aroma additions up by 20 minutes or so. Those methods have been covered, and covered again else where, so I wont belabor the method here. I will say, Brewersfriend and Beer Smith both have settings for no chill. We generally do a bittering charge and then nothing until the flame is off and the wort is cooling. We hit a five gallon no chill with 3 to 4 oz of hops when the wort gets to 190 F. This was a 2.5 gallon recipe and we used, 1.75 oz of hops for the "chill" addition. This beer will get an additional 2 oz of dry hops.
Since this was an easy brew night, we used 5.2 stabilizer for our water adjustment. The pH stabilized at about 5.34, hot, so probably around 5.5. I'll take it, not bad for tap water and no real water adjustments. As always the smell of the Cargill grains was amazing...just some how more, than the other grains we sometimes use. We boiled for a full hour. When you "no chill" you have to be aware of potential DMS. The easiest precaution is to boil hard for 60 minutes. Also a good idea for any brew with lots of 6 row malt, it has a bit more sms, the precursor to the dreaded dms.
My favorite thing about this method, is you really can brew on a week night. We ended up way overshooting our gravity ( probably due to the 6 row malt ) so we ended up brewing 3 gallons of IPA. We originally planned for only 1.5 oz of hops in the "chill", but ended up adding an additional .25 of Centennial, and .25 of Equinox. Should be a grapefruit bomb, can't wait to try it. update: it has been over a month since brew day. The beer was exactly as planned. It was hazy and totally grapefruit...citrus... juicy... great stuff. This may create controversy, but I am now clear... I prefer traditional IPAs. Don't get me wrong I have enjoyed the haze craze... but I really dig a bitter, citrusy, grapefruity, crystal clear West Coast IPA.
Stay tuned more posts coming up. And more Belgian Inspired Brews. AS we head into spring, we will be making some lagers for spring and summer consumption. Can you say decoction neighbor? I know you can...
Easy ways to master the fundamentals of Homebrewing
Our awesome recipes
Friday, December 1, 2017
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
The easy method...Countertop 3 Vessel...
Everything you need to make great small batches of beer! |
This hobby can get out of hand, you owe it to yourself and your friends to stay responsible. It's the best way to promote and protect home brewing. |
So for me, I tend to brew 2.5 gallons on the stove top. Up close and personal with my wort and my boil... it has been awesome. I also find that I am brewing about 6 recipes over and over again. Risen Pale Ale, Centennial Blonde Ale, Centennial IPA (Bells two hearted), Cream Ale, Raspberry Wheat, and Chocolate Milk Stout. Every now and then I let the yeast cake inspire me to brew something else... I actually use lager yeast for my cream ale, so occasionally the yeast gets reused for a Schwartz Bier...or a Honey Bock. Every now and then the stout yeast becomes a honey brown...But mostly when I brew on my own, I brew stuff that anyone would enjoy. That lets me brew almost every weekend. Certainly every other weekend. The beer I make is approachable for beer muggles. It is easy to give away (with one rule, "bring me back rinsed bottles").
Like everyone else I have been caught up in the Brew in a Bag phenomenon. And like everyone else I recognize its ease and accessibility. It is a great method. I think it, along with partial mash (which I will never stop defending) is a fantastic method for making beer. BIAB is probably the best way for a newb to start doing all grain brewing.
Brew bag as a filter! |
So here is my current set up. You will notice I have eliminated anything that is hard to clean, I have minimized valves, there are no thru wall
thermometers, no sight glass, no pumps, and no re-circulation ports. If I need the wort to whirlpool or to move, I get out my spoon and stir it. As I have said before although spoons are a new technology, I am confident they will catch on.
- 5 gallon round cooler mash tun
- Brewers Best Mesh Mash Bag filter
- 3/8" Ball Valve
- Floating mash thermometer
- Long probe digital thermometer.
- 5.5 gallon stainless steel kettle
- 4 gallon stainless steel HLT
That's it. Less than $200.00 worth of equipment for a lifetime of brewing fun. And with my set up I can make 2.5 to 5 gallon batches of beer. I still own larger pots. I still own a ridiculous propane burner, (12" 231K BTU), I still can do large batches, but for the most part this is what I use to brew.
Now... the big question... my process. Most of the recipes I brew are medium original gravity beers. I rarely brew anything over 1.070. So I adjust the mash water calculations so that my sparge is around 1.25 to 2 gallons. I batch sparge. I always do a mash out step, always. I often do a 3 step mash (146 F, 156 F, 168 F) This is the practice for beers I want to have attenuate very dry. I know what you're thinking... the self appointed step mash champion doesn't always do a 4 step mash or decoction? well no, no I don't. After 27 years of brewing, I know when to do a complicated step mash, and when not to do a complicated step mash. The truth is I use mostly Cargill base malts and grains and the quality is so high, I just don't always need to do a step mash. Here is an example of a mash for my american pale ale... Risen... which is just a good ol fashioned early 1990s all cascade pale ale (Think New Albion). NOTE: I always use reverse osmosis water, and I always make adjustments. I have been using the Brewersfriend water program, but I also like EZ water, and BruNWater. I shoot for 5.2 pH, and a balanced profile.
5lbs of grain
Strike 2.5 gallons of water at 162 F (72.2 C 9.5 L) stabilize at 154 F.
Mash out - Infusion of 3.5 quarts (3.2 liters) of water at 211 F (100 C)
Sparge with 5.75 quarts (5.44 liters) of water at 170 F (76.6 C)
Do you know how fast you can heat 2.5 gallons to 162 F (72.2 C 9.5 L)? Even my crappy stove can do it in less than 20 minutes. It is so much faster to brew this way. And you are up close and personal with your brew. It's right there in front of you. On the stove top, on the counter top. You can smell it, you can taste it. I still take all of the same measurements as before. pH, temperature, gravity, and taste impressions. I still write everything down in my brewing journal. But somehow, I have more control, I'm able to correct things. I always use fresh never opened hops. I always calculate the hops with the correct AA% and adjust my additions. One thing you will need if you are doing a lot of small batch is a gram scale ($6 - $14) at Wal-Mart. Grams are just far more accurate than ounces or tenths of an ounce.
5lbs of grain
Strike 2.5 gallons of water at 162 F (72.2 C 9.5 L) stabilize at 154 F.
Mash out - Infusion of 3.5 quarts (3.2 liters) of water at 211 F (100 C)
Sparge with 5.75 quarts (5.44 liters) of water at 170 F (76.6 C)
Do you know how fast you can heat 2.5 gallons to 162 F (72.2 C 9.5 L)? Even my crappy stove can do it in less than 20 minutes. It is so much faster to brew this way. And you are up close and personal with your brew. It's right there in front of you. On the stove top, on the counter top. You can smell it, you can taste it. I still take all of the same measurements as before. pH, temperature, gravity, and taste impressions. I still write everything down in my brewing journal. But somehow, I have more control, I'm able to correct things. I always use fresh never opened hops. I always calculate the hops with the correct AA% and adjust my additions. One thing you will need if you are doing a lot of small batch is a gram scale ($6 - $14) at Wal-Mart. Grams are just far more accurate than ounces or tenths of an ounce.
With a minor modification two 3 gallon carboys will fit in a mini fridge. |
For now I am bottling, force carbonating in two liters, and using 2.5 gallon cubes. Alas, my keezer is in storage. I just don't have room in the apartment. As we head toward contest season I will have to go ahead and make a mini keezer so that I can bottle from the keg. But I am loving small batch so much I may sell my old one and switch to 2.5 - 3 gallon kegs exclusively.
So that is what I am doing. I have a strong desire to make more crystal clear perfectly fermented beers. I think I am kinda over the murky IPA thing. I appreciate them, and they are delicious. But for me... I prefer to be able to read through my beers... I guess time will tell if this approach is as excellent as I suspect it might be. It's certainly faster, it's certainly more engaged. And I am still having a blast brewing beer. Cheers.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Raspberry Belgian Blonde... with Cargill Malts... Oh yeah we're BACK!
Allegement des Framboises |
This is the real Belgian Grain that you have been looking for. Your search is over. Dingemans is the real deal. |
Allegment is a Belgian Blonde, it is pretty darn fantastic without the Raspberries, but it takes on a a whole other character with the fruit. It is also amazing with Peaches. Something about the esters of the BE-256 and the fruit just goes so well together. We have tried other Belgian style yeasts, like White Labs 530 (our go to for BDSA) and Imperial Monastery, but honestly they are too estery for this beer. We want a hint of fruity esters and cloves... not a punch to the face. We find that with BE 255 we can control the esters with our step mash, creating more or less of a desired flavor by modifying our step times.
And yes for Belgian inspired beers, the grain you choose matters. We use, love, and promote Dingemans Pilsner from Cargill. Ask for it by name. It will make all of the difference in your Belgian inspired ales. All of Cargills malts have been fantastic. But this one... well this one is particularly fantastic. It is the real Belgian malt you have been looking for. You can use what ever Belgian yeast you prefer, but we recommend Fermentis Safale BE 256. We have tried Wyeast and WhiteLabs with varying degrees of success. If you choose liquid, please get fresh yeast. It really loses viability quickly.
The new mill set up is awesome! |
Crushing fine improves efficiency! |
Your first steps will be thick... RDWHAHB |
Step mashing is so much more active than single infusion brewing. I personally think it is just more fun. This is the step where we were 2 degrees to high. We were shooting for 132 to 134 F. We ended up at 134 for most of the grist, but some spots were at 136 F. No big deal. We know from our post boil trub that we accomplished our goal of modifying proteins into medium length chains. (UPDATE - the ol trusty long probe thermometer is toast- so we were probably spot on) This is the step that really makes the difference in our beers. The protein rest. You see, we never ask sugars to do the job that should be done by proteins. We use the proteins to create the head retention and to create the mouth feel that you can only get from a good step mash.
We had two more additions after the protein rest, and a schluss mash decoction to get to mash out. By then end of our mash, our wort was thin, the brewery smelled like heaven. And our mout (wort) was digestable. That is what you want when you are making a Belgian inspired beer. By the way, the flavor of the wort was amazing, sweet, biscuit, toast, slight sourness from the acid rest (the yeast will turn that into awesome Belgian flavors) This should be a great beer.
I know I have told you to take records while you brew. But I really mean it. Take good notes, keep records. John documents our brew days in a brew journal he got. I use my computer. MA takes photos. I can't tell you how many times the records have saved our bacon, or allowed us to figure out what went wrong or right. It is also fun to go back and read your brewing notes from previous brew sessions and see what was going on.
Record your gravity through out the process. You will quickly learn how your brewery operates, and what changes you need to make to craft the beer you want to make. This is how you learn your system. This is how you brew world class beer. Learning and experience... there's nothing that compares to Learning and experience.
The boil was uneventful, we boiled hard, hoping to destroy any long chain proteins that weren't modified by the step mash. There is only one hop addition. At the end of the boil we had 9 gallons of delicious wort. We were shooting for 1.060. We got... 1.060. We will gain a couple of points from the sugars in the raspberries in secondary. It was a great brew day. Lots of fun. And most importantly we're back. So get ready for a whole slew of new posts from us. We'll keep things rolling, and if you are ever in KC on a weekend, and want to brew with us, let us know. We'd love to brew with you.
Keep checking back. We're brewing a tripel this weekend, our infamous "desir". We have some cool stuff coming up on decoction mashing, and on how to correctly add spices to your beers... can you say Christmas farmhouse ale?
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
I think I may already own my dream brewing rig...
This is Marshal's (Brulosophy) old set up, but mine is identical. I didn't have a picture handy, so I used his. If you don't read Brulosophy, well start reading it today. |
PVC Sparge arm for my cooler mash tun. Pretty easy build consistent rinsing of the grains. |
My trusty ol Keggle and Burner |
If you read this blog you have seen the Cajun Injector countless times. |
We'll make the ol girl look like this with some elbow grease! |
So yes, my decision is made, unless I win the lottery, I have what I need already. And I'm guessing most of you have what you need as well. If you don't already have what you need, I'm guessing you can get what you need for less than $350.00 USD total. You probably have most of what you need. And anything and everything else you need you can get online, or at your local hardware store. There is just no reason to spend a fortune on home brewing. It is learning, cleaning, and actually brewing that will make you a great brewer, not equipment. Lots of guys (and gals) have won big time awards on basic equipment. The difference between them, and you... they really, really know what they are doing. So, yes, I have my brewing rig already. I'm guessing you do to. I know you probably surf the web and look at the awesome stuff that is now available. My best advice is change how you surf. Begin researching the awesome brewers who post their stuff to the web. Begin learning about advanced brewing techniques, there is a reason last years brewer of the year did a ferulic acid rest... just saying. There is a reason last years Ninkasi award winner does decoctions. Not all of these guys would agree on everything, but by researching them you can learn what works for you. That's all for now brew nerds...
- Burner
- Cooler Mash tun
- cooler valve
- Kettle if you are a no sparge brewer you only need one kettle, your old extract kettle works fine as a hlt (in fact you can use your stove top and save some money on gas...)
- Brew Bag
- pH meter
- refractometer
Friday, July 14, 2017
OK Knuckleheads its time for some TRUTH again
This blog was launched years ago largely on the back of a blog post called A quick Rant. Years later I find myself still saying and preaching the same things. Listen to me round eye... you go brew how you want to brew. If you want to make nothing but no boil hibiscus flower gose... then do that. If you want to boil everthing for 90 minutes than do that. But please use your heads about brewing. There are some disturbing trends that I am noticing that I think need to be addressed. So, today I am addressing them... again.
1.) It is all about the skill of the brewer not the equipment. In the past couple of years there has been a near explosion of quality brewing equipment for home brewers. And most if it is awesome. Most of it will really help you make excellent wort. But it will only help you if your recipe doesn't suck. If you have great fresh ingredients. If you've calculated the correct amount of hops to add. If your process is solid. If you know how to aerate. If you can control fermentation temperatures. If, If, If!
If you are a brewer who prefers to step mash your beer, these systems are very appealing. I will admit that the idea of wort moving through tubes and then back into the mash tun is kinds cool. I will admit I am still considering the purchase of one. But, since I step mash anything and everything I brew, and I happen to own a stove and a pot and a spoon. I'm still not convinced they make much sense. I can accomplish the same thing by adding near boiling water and stirring. The effective cost to me...$0. I already own a pot for boiling and a spoon for stirring. Remember wort doesn't know it is being recirculated, enzymes couldn't care less. You see the equipment won't do squat for you if your water profile sucks, if your grain is stale, if your hops are old, if your fermentation temperatures rage uncontrolled. And it won't save you from a lack of general skill and knowledge.
Listen, you can probably get away with messing up one variable of your beer, and have it still be pretty darn good. (the Brulosophy guys are testing this). But don't imagine for a minute that a fancy wort production machine will make up for abject failure in other areas of your brewing. I've said it before, and I will say it again. Wort production is less important than; great recipe design, water adjustment, aeration, fermentation control, and above all else cleaning. So follow some common sense in making beer. Your first big investment is of course your kettle, burner, and mash tun. But your second big investment should be fermentation related. Remember, brewers make wort, yeast makes beer.
Commit to 1 or 2 processes for the production of wort (we always step mash unless we are doing German beer, then we do a decoction step mash). Commit to a method of chilling your wort. Commit to a method of yeast preparation (vitality starters for this guy). Commit to a method of aeration. And finally commit to temperature controlled fermentation. Most importantly we use quality fresh ingredients.
2.) You can not make great beer with crap ingredients. It can not be done, do not dispute this point. So I understand that you want to save some money and buy in bulk, and it isn't a terrible idea for your grains. After all, grain is malted and kilned in part to preserve the grain. But please understand that if you are entering a contest with 2 year old pilsner and you are hoping to win category 2B (Bohemian Pilsner) you're screwed if I show up. Because I'm getting the freshest pilsner I can get. (Probably from our amazing sponsors at Cargill) And I am lovingly, carefully performing a step mash decoction with out the aid of a recycling wort system. You'd better not try to use the remaining Saaz from the 1 lb bag you bought last year, cause I'm showing up with fresh nitrogen flushed Saaz from our friends at YCH. And I can promise you I will get perfect fermentation with a brew-day starter of SafLager 34/70 carefully controlled in our fermentation chamber. And forget it completely if you do not know how to adjust your water to the correct profile for a Bohemian Pilsner.
How many times have you watched a YouTube video where the guys brewing didn't really know what they were doing, and they never mentioned how old their grain was, and they didn't utter a word about the AA% of their hops? And they are trying a brand new process they have never tried before... shockingly they miss their target OG, and then they blame the process and conclude it doesn't work. Do yourself a favor, ignore those guy. Remember the aspects that make quality beer, and keep your process consistent keep your ingredients fresh. Do the same things every time, for that matter brew the same beer over and over again with great ingredients. Commit to quality ingredients (if your LHBS doesn't have fresh hops, order them on line)
3.) FACT - most of the problems we face as brewers are because of a lack of cleaning, a lack of understanding, or a lack of quality ingredients. If you get even reasonable efficiency, your problems aren't because your wort production sucks. It's because something else, or everything else, in your process sucks. Most common error? Lack of sanitation. So, best advice is slow down and clean everything. Think carefully about every step of the process. And again clean your stuff a lot. I am known to grab a piece of gear and clean it while I watch TV. My gear is pristine.
You don't have to spend a fortune on any particular step of the process to make great beer. You do have to be clean. You do have to think carefully about each step in the process. Incidentally if you do want to spend a fortune, spend it on quality ingredients, temperature controlled fermentation, on water filtration, and on aeration. Too many guys are focusing on the wrong things. Remember many of the equipment choices commercial brewers make are motivated in part by ease of cleaning. They don't have the advantage of being able to easily carry and break down their gear. They can't deep clean a mash tun while watching Sports Center.
4.) It's not a race. They don't give out awards for brewing quickly. And why would you want to? Brewing is so much fun. Just slow down and use your heads, yes I know you are busy. Yes I know you need to carve out time to brew. But remember there are no short. If you are serious about making world class beer, Clean, Clean, Clean. Learn to adjust your water. Build a mash tun and learn to do infusion step mashing. Buy a brewbag for a filter, they are just better mash filters than false bottoms, or toilet braiding. Those changes alone will improve your wort way more than a $2,000.00 wort machine. (don't misunderstand me, If you are flush with cash go for it! If I win the lottery I'm buying all kinds of cool stuff from Colorado Brewing Systems and SS Brewtech )
For your German beers learn to decoct, it makes a difference. Who cares if your mash takes 2 hours? It makes superior authentic German beer. And please don't tell me you can make the same caliber of beer with a single sacchrification rest. You CAN NOT so don't bring that weak sauce up in here. Only pitch healthy vital yeast. Learn to make a starter, or at least a vitality starter. Aerate your wort, so it can become healthy beer. And for the love of Sally control your fermentation temperatures.
Above all else have fun, RDWHAHB, and don't be a douchebag. I have to suggest that you consider brewing beers that expose problems you are having. Brew a basic Blonde, brew a Cream Ale. If you can, brew a basic lager. And if you can't control temperatures on a lager, why are you worried about a wort production machine? Once again for excellent brewing, expenses related to water adjustment and temperature control should come before wort production expenses.
I write this today as much as a reminder to myself as I do a reminder to all of you. I also see the fancy rigs on line and think how cool it would be to have one. I also see the shiny stainless fermenters and think, "man that would be cool,a glycol controlled system in my basement." But the truth is you don't need that to make world class beer, you can ferment in a keg, or in a stainless steel pot for much less. You can literally purchase 4 kegs to ferment in for the price of 1 stainless fermenter, and with a keg you can ferment under pressure. Just a reminder to all of you and to myself, stay clean & use your head.
UPDATE: I was just thinking... Riddle me this batman, how come standard brew in a bag gets 80 -90% efficiency, and the recirculating units don't get anywhere near that. You have to do all kinds of stuff to a Grainfather mash to ensure 75%? Robobrew is no different. Gash Slug reports 80% on his robo brew with no pump, and we're hearing reports much lower with the pump. So yeah for me, I will keep my pot, and my spoon. I will use my BrewBag and crush as fine as I can, No sparge in the cooler infusion step mash.
1.) It is all about the skill of the brewer not the equipment. In the past couple of years there has been a near explosion of quality brewing equipment for home brewers. And most if it is awesome. Most of it will really help you make excellent wort. But it will only help you if your recipe doesn't suck. If you have great fresh ingredients. If you've calculated the correct amount of hops to add. If your process is solid. If you know how to aerate. If you can control fermentation temperatures. If, If, If!
This is a dream set up for almost all of us. The electric brewery sells everything you need to craft your own dream set up. But remember you can make great beer with a cooler mash tun. |
Listen, you can probably get away with messing up one variable of your beer, and have it still be pretty darn good. (the Brulosophy guys are testing this). But don't imagine for a minute that a fancy wort production machine will make up for abject failure in other areas of your brewing. I've said it before, and I will say it again. Wort production is less important than; great recipe design, water adjustment, aeration, fermentation control, and above all else cleaning. So follow some common sense in making beer. Your first big investment is of course your kettle, burner, and mash tun. But your second big investment should be fermentation related. Remember, brewers make wort, yeast makes beer.
Commit to 1 or 2 processes for the production of wort (we always step mash unless we are doing German beer, then we do a decoction step mash). Commit to a method of chilling your wort. Commit to a method of yeast preparation (vitality starters for this guy). Commit to a method of aeration. And finally commit to temperature controlled fermentation. Most importantly we use quality fresh ingredients.
2.) You can not make great beer with crap ingredients. It can not be done, do not dispute this point. So I understand that you want to save some money and buy in bulk, and it isn't a terrible idea for your grains. After all, grain is malted and kilned in part to preserve the grain. But please understand that if you are entering a contest with 2 year old pilsner and you are hoping to win category 2B (Bohemian Pilsner) you're screwed if I show up. Because I'm getting the freshest pilsner I can get. (Probably from our amazing sponsors at Cargill) And I am lovingly, carefully performing a step mash decoction with out the aid of a recycling wort system. You'd better not try to use the remaining Saaz from the 1 lb bag you bought last year, cause I'm showing up with fresh nitrogen flushed Saaz from our friends at YCH. And I can promise you I will get perfect fermentation with a brew-day starter of SafLager 34/70 carefully controlled in our fermentation chamber. And forget it completely if you do not know how to adjust your water to the correct profile for a Bohemian Pilsner.
How many times have you watched a YouTube video where the guys brewing didn't really know what they were doing, and they never mentioned how old their grain was, and they didn't utter a word about the AA% of their hops? And they are trying a brand new process they have never tried before... shockingly they miss their target OG, and then they blame the process and conclude it doesn't work. Do yourself a favor, ignore those guy. Remember the aspects that make quality beer, and keep your process consistent keep your ingredients fresh. Do the same things every time, for that matter brew the same beer over and over again with great ingredients. Commit to quality ingredients (if your LHBS doesn't have fresh hops, order them on line)
You can not make great beer if your brewery looks like this. |
You don't have to spend a fortune on any particular step of the process to make great beer. You do have to be clean. You do have to think carefully about each step in the process. Incidentally if you do want to spend a fortune, spend it on quality ingredients, temperature controlled fermentation, on water filtration, and on aeration. Too many guys are focusing on the wrong things. Remember many of the equipment choices commercial brewers make are motivated in part by ease of cleaning. They don't have the advantage of being able to easily carry and break down their gear. They can't deep clean a mash tun while watching Sports Center.
4.) It's not a race. They don't give out awards for brewing quickly. And why would you want to? Brewing is so much fun. Just slow down and use your heads, yes I know you are busy. Yes I know you need to carve out time to brew. But remember there are no short. If you are serious about making world class beer, Clean, Clean, Clean. Learn to adjust your water. Build a mash tun and learn to do infusion step mashing. Buy a brewbag for a filter, they are just better mash filters than false bottoms, or toilet braiding. Those changes alone will improve your wort way more than a $2,000.00 wort machine. (don't misunderstand me, If you are flush with cash go for it! If I win the lottery I'm buying all kinds of cool stuff from Colorado Brewing Systems and SS Brewtech )
For your German beers learn to decoct, it makes a difference. Who cares if your mash takes 2 hours? It makes superior authentic German beer. And please don't tell me you can make the same caliber of beer with a single sacchrification rest. You CAN NOT so don't bring that weak sauce up in here. Only pitch healthy vital yeast. Learn to make a starter, or at least a vitality starter. Aerate your wort, so it can become healthy beer. And for the love of Sally control your fermentation temperatures.
Above all else have fun, RDWHAHB, and don't be a douchebag. I have to suggest that you consider brewing beers that expose problems you are having. Brew a basic Blonde, brew a Cream Ale. If you can, brew a basic lager. And if you can't control temperatures on a lager, why are you worried about a wort production machine? Once again for excellent brewing, expenses related to water adjustment and temperature control should come before wort production expenses.
I write this today as much as a reminder to myself as I do a reminder to all of you. I also see the fancy rigs on line and think how cool it would be to have one. I also see the shiny stainless fermenters and think, "man that would be cool,a glycol controlled system in my basement." But the truth is you don't need that to make world class beer, you can ferment in a keg, or in a stainless steel pot for much less. You can literally purchase 4 kegs to ferment in for the price of 1 stainless fermenter, and with a keg you can ferment under pressure. Just a reminder to all of you and to myself, stay clean & use your head.
UPDATE: I was just thinking... Riddle me this batman, how come standard brew in a bag gets 80 -90% efficiency, and the recirculating units don't get anywhere near that. You have to do all kinds of stuff to a Grainfather mash to ensure 75%? Robobrew is no different. Gash Slug reports 80% on his robo brew with no pump, and we're hearing reports much lower with the pump. So yeah for me, I will keep my pot, and my spoon. I will use my BrewBag and crush as fine as I can, No sparge in the cooler infusion step mash.
Wednesday, July 5, 2017
5 gallon all grain on an average stove top? Concentration Cream Ale
Good ol' cream ale. Delicious for you, and for your beer muggle friends. |
Concentration is a simple process of making a smaller higher OG (concentrated) batch of wort, and then blending it with water to get to volume. It used to be a common practice in home brewing. Basically you brew a high OG small batch, in our case 1.075 and then blend it with water to reach volume. You then stir and aerate to thoroughly combine the wort and the water. I use one of my wine degassing whips attached to a drill to mix the concentration and the water, and to aerate the wort.
Say what you will, Genesee is Delicious. And, I'm reasonably confident the Genesee River is safe to drink out of... |
I will be making the recipe below. And don't worry I will post all about how I do it with lots of photos, so that you too can make your own concentration wort. This is a great technique for those of you who want to keep brewing in the dead of winter, but who don't want to stand in a freezing garage.
Concentration Cream Ale - All the grains...
OG 1.047
FG 1.008
IBU 14
ABV 5%
72.5% efficiency
SRM - 2.63 predicted - probably around 3.5
Grain Bill
5 lbs of American Pilsner. I will be using IdaPils from Cargill
2 lbs of Flaked Corn
1 lbs of Flaked Rice
.5 lbs of White Wheat Malt - yes wheat! I'm trying to get some head on the beer by doing a protein rest and using some wheat. Feel free to substitute CaraPilsner if you like.
Hop Bill
.8 oz. of Liberty Hops at 60 minutes Yes I realize that at 4.77% this is not 14 ibu's remember this is a partial boil brew, like an extract. You have to account for that.
.5 oz. of Liberty Hops at 15 minutes
Yeast & Extras
1 package of US05
1 whirflock tablet
1 tsp of yeast nutrient
Mash schedule
Rest at 132 F for 15 minutes - dough in with 2.64 gallons of water at 142 F
Rest at 146 F for 40 minutes - add .7 gallons of 210 F water to get to this rest (why 210 F ? Well to be truthful, 210 F, because you can not actually add boiling water to your mash tun, the minute you take the kettle off of the stove it will stop boiling, I account for that in my calculations by using 210 F)
Rest at 156 F for 15 minutes - add .7 gallons of 210 F water to get to this rest
Rest at 168 F for 10 minutes - Drain 1.3 gallons of wort from the mash and heat it to a boil, when boiling add it back into the wort to get to this rest. This is a Schluss Mash Decoction.
Collect 3.6 gallons of wort Check gravity, it should be about 1.068
Boil and follow hop schedule
As you near the end of the boil, check your gravity, you should be around 1.072 to 1.074.
Chill the wort to near pitching temperatures
I know they call it a farmhouse ale but they are esoteric, and much smarter than we are. Trust me it is a cream ale! |
Mix it and or shake it up so it is totally combined.
Pitch your yeast
That's it. That is all you have to do. Yes, you can make 5 gallons of all grain beer on your stove top. And yes, you can do this with any style of beer. And yes they will come out just fine. For very high gravity beers, you should plan on doing a partial mash, where a portion of your sugars come from DME.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Wine HACKING part 1... Using Kits and Concentrates to make great wine at home.
So obviously here at Counter Brew we are mostly focused on beer. But, I also have a passion for great wine. Not just drinking it, but also reading about it, and making it. For most beer dudes, wine has kind of a negative stature. After all, we all know the "fake ass" wine snobs who claim they can detect a hint of "lemon balm softened by a touch of french milk chocolate" in a glass of average Cabernet. But, you'll find that people who actually know and love wine, are kinda like home brewers, they are happy to talk and share what they know about wine. And they are happy to help you appreciate wine more completely. And wine appreciation is a blast. You really can pick out all kinds of flavors if you learn how.
But this time of year we wine makers are playing the waiting game. The harvest is months away. Oh sure we could just grab kits at the LHBS, and there are some great kits out there. But kit wine is kinda like the extract beer of the wine world. It is good, but it just isn't the same. In truth, Home made wine is almost always delicious, and it can be great (think Grand Cru, world class stuff). But making kit wine is not the same as crushing the grapes, punching down the cap, pressing the wine and adjusting the acids to make the exact wine you want. I should stress again the high end kits make world class wine, wine that would cost you $35 to $80 a bottle at the liquor store (it's that good). But it just isn't the same as making wine from grapes. So let me assure you if you can make beer, and you or your SWMBO enjoys good wine, you can easily make great wine from a kit at home. Don't worry, you don't have to become a wine snob to enjoy good wine. But you shouldn't be an anti wine guy either, you'd just be depriving yourself of a lot of fun.
So what is a guy who likes to make wine to do in the summer months? What can I make to get that wine making kick? The answer: fruit wine. Strawberry Moscato wine. And that is just what I did. I am also making a 1 gallon wine expert Pino Noir, and a 1 Gallon Merlot with Blackberries and Raspberries. Pino Noir and Merlot are very drinkable young, so I will probably drink a bottle and age the rest for 6 months. (UPDATE I got a hold of a Wine Expert Trinity White Kit and made it too). In a later post I will talk about what to age and, what you don't really ever need to age.
When you make fruit wines (as we have before here on Counter Brew) you can just use the fruit to give the wine flavor and color, and table sugar to get the fermentables that you need to make the alcohol. And that process is the standard way to make fruit and country wines. But those wines are kinda hit or miss, and without a grape wine base, fruit wines can be kinda thin and flabby. (Even with tannin additions.)
So when I make fruit wine I generally start with a wine concentrate base or a 1 gallon kit. This gives the fruit wine more interest and rounds it out. To give you a beer comparison, think of it this way- it is like adding 20 and 30 minute hop charges so there is no hollow area in the taste of a hoppy beer. For strawberry wine, I usually use Moscato or Savignon Blanc ( Reisling is incredible with green apples). I usually make 3 gallons with a can of Alexander's wine concentrate. Alexander's Muscat will give you the gravity you need for 2 gallons of great fruit wine, you'll add sugar for the remaining gravity. And for those of you who already make wine, yes I know Alexanders is not vintage level concentrate, but it works really well for this practice. To be fair, I sometimes just make 1 gallon of fruit wine with a Wine Expert Kit. Both approaches make great fruit wines.
Now it is important that you know that wine is easier to make on brew day than beer, but where beer is all about the skill of the brewer, great wine is all about the quality of the ingredients. "World Class" wine can take years to make and age and it will never be better than the grapes (fruit) you start with. And there are advanced techniques in wine making just like brewing. So, if you are trying to make world class award winning wine you need to purchase the highest level kit you can afford ($175 - $200) or learn to make wine from actual wine grapes and frozen grape must and skins. Just like brewing, you will need to learn how to adjust the acids, pH, and sugar level of your wine to make a world class wine. Just like brewing and blending sours, you will need to learn to blend wines to make a world class wine. But have no fear Mark Anthony and I will be doing that for you all in the fall. But today is not about world class wine, it is about the best strawberry wine you have ever had.
For easy drinking delicious fruit wines... this is the way to go. So here is what you will need need to make a great summertime strawberry wine. Everything is available at your local home brew store.
Memories Last - a Strawberry Moscato ( Alternatively titled - Soccer Mom)
1.074 OG
.980 FG
1.014 Back sweeten level
12% ABV
.65 g / 100 ml Acid Titration Level
Profile - Sweet and loaded with Strawberry flavor - Smells like fresh berries.
Color - Red and clear
Acid Test Kit (worth it, and necessary if you get into wine)
Brew Day -
But this time of year we wine makers are playing the waiting game. The harvest is months away. Oh sure we could just grab kits at the LHBS, and there are some great kits out there. But kit wine is kinda like the extract beer of the wine world. It is good, but it just isn't the same. In truth, Home made wine is almost always delicious, and it can be great (think Grand Cru, world class stuff). But making kit wine is not the same as crushing the grapes, punching down the cap, pressing the wine and adjusting the acids to make the exact wine you want. I should stress again the high end kits make world class wine, wine that would cost you $35 to $80 a bottle at the liquor store (it's that good). But it just isn't the same as making wine from grapes. So let me assure you if you can make beer, and you or your SWMBO enjoys good wine, you can easily make great wine from a kit at home. Don't worry, you don't have to become a wine snob to enjoy good wine. But you shouldn't be an anti wine guy either, you'd just be depriving yourself of a lot of fun.
freezing strawberries and using them as ice cubes in a Strawberry wine |
When you make fruit wines (as we have before here on Counter Brew) you can just use the fruit to give the wine flavor and color, and table sugar to get the fermentables that you need to make the alcohol. And that process is the standard way to make fruit and country wines. But those wines are kinda hit or miss, and without a grape wine base, fruit wines can be kinda thin and flabby. (Even with tannin additions.)
So when I make fruit wine I generally start with a wine concentrate base or a 1 gallon kit. This gives the fruit wine more interest and rounds it out. To give you a beer comparison, think of it this way- it is like adding 20 and 30 minute hop charges so there is no hollow area in the taste of a hoppy beer. For strawberry wine, I usually use Moscato or Savignon Blanc ( Reisling is incredible with green apples). I usually make 3 gallons with a can of Alexander's wine concentrate. Alexander's Muscat will give you the gravity you need for 2 gallons of great fruit wine, you'll add sugar for the remaining gravity. And for those of you who already make wine, yes I know Alexanders is not vintage level concentrate, but it works really well for this practice. To be fair, I sometimes just make 1 gallon of fruit wine with a Wine Expert Kit. Both approaches make great fruit wines.
Now it is important that you know that wine is easier to make on brew day than beer, but where beer is all about the skill of the brewer, great wine is all about the quality of the ingredients. "World Class" wine can take years to make and age and it will never be better than the grapes (fruit) you start with. And there are advanced techniques in wine making just like brewing. So, if you are trying to make world class award winning wine you need to purchase the highest level kit you can afford ($175 - $200) or learn to make wine from actual wine grapes and frozen grape must and skins. Just like brewing, you will need to learn how to adjust the acids, pH, and sugar level of your wine to make a world class wine. Just like brewing and blending sours, you will need to learn to blend wines to make a world class wine. But have no fear Mark Anthony and I will be doing that for you all in the fall. But today is not about world class wine, it is about the best strawberry wine you have ever had.
For easy drinking delicious fruit wines... this is the way to go. So here is what you will need need to make a great summertime strawberry wine. Everything is available at your local home brew store.
Memories Last - a Strawberry Moscato ( Alternatively titled - Soccer Mom)
1.074 OG
.980 FG
1.014 Back sweeten level
12% ABV
.65 g / 100 ml Acid Titration Level
Profile - Sweet and loaded with Strawberry flavor - Smells like fresh berries.
Color - Red and clear
- 1 Can of Alexander's Moscato (Alexander's Muscat)
- 4 lbs of frozen mixed berries (this will provide some interesting flavor and deeper color Strawberry wine can turn kinda orange over time)
- 5 lbs of fresh or frozen strawberries (very ripe but not rotting, I prefer frozen berries and it took me years to accept that they make better wine)
- 2 - 2.5 lbs of sugar (you will have to use a hydrometer to figure this out)
- 2 crushed Camden Tablets
- 1.5 tsp of Pectic Enzyme
- 1.5 T of Bentonite
- 1 tsp of Yeast Nutrient
- 1 tsp of Acid Blend (or exact amount needed if you can test. Adjust wine to .65 / 100 ml acid level)
- 1/2 tsp of wine tannin
- Wine Yeast - Lalvin 71B 1122 is my go to for this one
- Brewer's Gelatin or Super Clear KC - fining agent.
- 5 Gallon Food Grade Bucket with a lid and air lock. (good idea to add a racking spigot if you will be racking your wine)
- 3 Gallon hardware store PET water jug ($7 at Walmart by the primo water)
- Hydrometer
- Auto siphon and tubing
- Wine Thief or Sanitary turkey baster, or .75 inside diameter silicone tube.
- Wire Whisk or wine whip
- Air Lock for secondary fermenter
- 3 1 gallon jugs with screw caps. or 6 half gallon jugs.
- I am not recommending you buy an Italian floor corker quite yet. Lets see if you enjoy this first. (I suggest the 1 gallon jugs because you can use them for pico batches of beer as well)
- Plus if you really get into wine you will need to make 1 gallon batches of wine for blending with larger batches.
Acid Test Kit (worth it, and necessary if you get into wine)
Brew Day -
- Add .5 gallons of water to your sanitized fermenter add the bentonite, and with a sanitized whisk get it dissolved.
- Add the Muscat concentrate
- Add 2 gallons of water to the fermenter stir with whisk to get the Muscat Concentrate mixed in, check your gravity. It will be around 1.050.
- In the remaining water dissolve enough sugar to bring the gravity up to 1.070, the fruit will provide the rest. For me it is always 4 to 5 cups of table sugar.
- Remember when you are doing this you will have to account for the additional water as well. So 2.5 gallons at 1.050 means that if you just added water to full volume your gravity would drop to 1.042. (Because you are going from 2.5 gallons to 3 gallons.) 2.5 is 83% of 3 gallons. 1.042 is 83% of 1.050 (roughly). So you need to add enough sugar to get your gravity up 28 points per gallon. 1 lb of sugar has 42 gravity points per pound per gallon. so you need to add .66 lbs per gallon. 28 / 42 = .666 or 1.9998 lbs of sugar = 2 lbs. or 4.5 cups of granulated sugar, dissolved in the .5 gallon of remaining water.
- Add the sugar and water to the fermenter - check gravity you should be at about 1.070, the fruit will provide the remaining gravity points.
- Add the berries to a disposable brew bag (nylon paint straining bag, 4 for 2.50 at my local ACE Hardware store in the paint area). Tie the top closed. If you are using frozen berries, thaw them first and don't lose that precious juice as they thaw.
- I like frozen berries for this. Half the work is done for you already and I have to tell you they tend to make better wine. You need 3 to 3.5 lbs of berries per gallon of wine you are making. For this batch I used fresh berries, well see how it turns out.
- Crush the berries with your clean and sanitized hands - get them well crushed.
- Add the berries to the fermenter
- Test the acid if you can, if not just add a tsp of acid blend.
- Adjust as necessary to get to .65 / 100 ml.
- Add the pectic enzyme
- Add the wine tannin
- Add the crushed camden tablets (crush between two spoons) -
- Cover your fermenter with a clean towel, hold it in place by setting the lid on it.
- Walk away for 24 to 36 hours. Why isn't this precise? well you have to wait for the Sulphites to off gas. When the sulfur smell is gone, you can pitch your yeast.
Day 2
- Uncover fermenter
- Check gravity with sanitized hydrometer, it should be deep enough to float in the must, just hold the fruit bag off to the side with a sanitary whisk. Record the Gravity
- Add yeast nutrient - stir in to dissolve
- Add the yeast (follow the manufacturer's instructions for this) You may need to re-hydrate.
- Cover with towel and lid
- Walk away for 24 hours
Day 3-7
- Uncover Fermenter
- Check Gravity and Record
- Remove fruit bag to a sanitary bowl
- Whisk the wine - you are de gassing as you go, this isn't beer don't worry about adding oxygen at this phase.
- Add the fruit and any juice that drained off back into fermenter. Give the fruit a squeeze- I usually press it against the fermenter wall with the whisk.
- Cover with towel and lid
- Repeat
Day 8 - 1st Racking
- Use your auto siphon to transfer wine to a clean and sanitized 3 gallon fermenter of your choice.
- This is not a wine you will age. So PET works just fine.
- Make sure you squeeze all the yummy goodness out of the fruit, before you start your transfer and stir it in.
- The wine is safe to taste, so go ahead and try some.
- Fill it as full as you can - leave only an inch or so under the air lock. If you need to add wine, choose a light fruity wine like White Zinfandel. I use other wine or mead I have made.
- Now we care about oxygen. So go easy and don't aerate the wine.
- This is not always the case...some big red wines you actually want to aerate at this point.
- A fix and air lock and walk away for at least 2 weeks
Day 21 - 2nd - 4th Racking (OPTIONAL)
- If you want to clear your wine naturally (no fining agents) you will need to let it sit and rack it a couple of times, and it will take a couple of months minimum.
- Each time it is clear and lees develops on the bottom of the fermenter, transfer the wine to another 3 gallon fermenter - top it up if necessary with other wine. I use bottle I made previously, but if you don't have those just use a cheap White Zinfandel.
Stabilizing and Fining Your Wine
- Check your gravity, it should be around .990-.980
- If it is not, it is not done.
- I do not rack fruit wine more than once - it's fruit wine not Grand Cru. If you are like me you will probably choose to stabilize and fine the wine in secondary.
- To stabilize your wine you will add 1/4 tsp of potassium metabisulfite and 2.25 tsp of potassium sorbate.
- Stabilizing will stop fermentation.
- When a wine is stabilized you can then back sweeten the wine.
- Stabilizing wine will provide preservatives for the long term storage of the wine
- At the same time you stabilize your wine you will want to fine the wine. Fining makes the wine brilliantly clear.
- Since you are a brewer I suggest you consider using Brewer's Gelatin to clear the wine.
- Do it just like you would a batch of beer
- Dissolve 1 tsp Gelatin in cool water, then heat it to dissolve. Then add it to the wine. It will clear just fine at room temperatures.
- Add your fining agent to the wine and stir / degas. this is when you degas the wine. This is when you hook the whip up to your drill and go to town. Your goal is to get all of the CO2 out of the wine. You may need to rack a gallon of the wine to another container while you de gas, so that there is room for the bubbles and the spinning wine.
- Walk away for a week. When you return the wine should be brilliantly clear.
Back sweetening and Bottling
- Transfer the wine to your sanitized bottling bucket.
- Fruit wines taste best with some sweetness. I generally back sweeten to 1.014. You may prefer more or less.
- To do this you have to calculate how much sugar to add, just like above.
- Most of the time you are going from 0.0098 to 1.0140, that is .0042 gravity points per gallon. 1 lb of sugar has 42 gravity points per gallon. So you need to add .1 pound of sugar per gallon, or .68 cups of sugar dissolved in a warm liquid of your choice, I actually usually use another wine I have made for this but you can use water.
- When the wine is back sweetened to your liking, it is time to bottle.
- Drain your wine into the 1 gallon (or half gallon) glass jugs. Put the screw cap on the jugs.
- If you are able to cork, then really you probably already know how to do this.
- Fruit Wine is ready for drinking as soon as you bottle it.
Well beer nerds, that's it. That is how you make awesome wine from fruit. It is a lot of fun, and it makes a reliably delicious batch of home made fruit wine.