A quick rant.
- Mash doesn't know if it's in a recirculating system.
- Enzymes don't care if they're running through a pump.
- Recirculating is to keep temperatures perfect and free the sugars into solution, it does not put more grain in contact with enzymes. The
enzymes are in the grains already.
- A mash paddle, can easily keep your temperatures consistent and your sugar in solution.
- Better gear only makes sense if it means your brewing gets easier and better.
- Knowing your gear is way more important than new gear.
- Fermentation control and proper yeast pitch are way way way more important than recirculation of mash.
- when you wash yeast , you actually want the stuff from the bottom. Head over to woodland brew and read up. In fact get Steve's book and read up.
- Yeast slurry is way more viable than a starter.
- You don't need a Kabillion yeast cells, viability is more important.
- You can not clean enough. repeat.
- If you can't brew a near perfect 1.045 cream ale, your process needs work.
- If you buy a home brew system that costs thousands of dollars, and you don't have a college fund for your kids, you missed the point... of life.
- If you buy or build a home brew system, before you can control fermentation temperatures, you missed the point.
- Meat does not go in beer.
- 6 is your friend, 6 malts maximum, 6 hops maximum, 1.06 target.
- Not all beer should be royal or imperial. Enough already with the 1.09 beers. Again I say if you can't brew a nearly perfect 1.045 cream ale, you need work on your procedures.
- You don't just "go pro" running a brewery is not the same as making home brew. Unless you're a great business person, and a truly
great brewer, focus on getting better and having fun.
- Any one, yes any one, can make a dipa that tastes pretty darn good, anyone, yes anyone, can make a ris that comes out bold and malty. Learn to make beers where you can't hide flaws behind huge hops and malt. Then will you truly be a brewing jedi!
- If you can't lager, don't spend money on a new brew system.
- Several of the AHA NHC award winners, won the award with a turkey fryer, a voile bag, and a big pot. They all had fermentation temperature control.
- Electric brewing means more cleaning than stove top or simple 3 v gravity brewing. You have to clean the elements and the valves, hot boiling water is not enough.
- Rims brewing is even more cleaning. Especially 3v rims.
- The only easy to clean recirculating systems are recirculating biab systems. from brausupply, colorado brewing systems, high gravity, brewboss, and brewha. In other words the RIMS eBIAB systems.
- A clean brewing system is paramount to sudcess in brewing.
- Well modified grains don't generally contain very much dms precursors. You can't create dms precursors, they already existi in your grains (S-Methylmethionine) you can only break then down completely and avoid DMS or fail to break them down completely and create some DMS. S-Methyl-Methionine is a complex methyl, in the boil you can break it down to DMS or past DMS.
- A 60 or 90 minute boil is not necessary, but it often improves clarity.
- A Rigorous boil of 15 minutes is required to avoid DMS.
- This was inspired by a guy at a LHBS who shared with us that his daughter was taking a semester off college due to family finances being tight, but he had just purchased a $5000 brewing system... his beer... kinda sucks... his priorities definitely do.
- Tomorrow Ill be my normal happy go lucky brew enthusiast self.
Dave, thanks for the laugh. I've been doing this for 15 years, I have a pot, stove, and glass carboy. I watch my temps like television. I'd rather give up Brewing than short change my kids education. I just can't believe there are those out there who've priorities so far out of whack.
ReplyDeleteDan, Thanks for following and for commenting. These things were just bugging me. Then I got to the LHBS to buy some 1/2" silicone tubing, and they were reading my blog. Kinda Cool.
DeleteDave, thanks for the laugh. I've been doing this for 15 years, I have a pot, stove, and glass carboy. I watch my temps like television. I'd rather give up Brewing than short change my kids education. I just can't believe there are those out there who've priorities so far out of whack.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the post, that is a great commentary. It is amazing what cleaning well and a chest freezer(with thermostat) can do for your beer quality! A nice new brewing system should make for an easier brew day, if not, then you are doing it wrong! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jay. I agree. 1. Sanitation 2. Temperature Controlled Fermentation 3. Correct (notice i didn't say huge) Pitch Rate of Viable Yeast. 4. Wort Production. 5. Sanitation These are the keys to home brew success.
DeleteThanks for the post, that is a great commentary. It is amazing what cleaning well and a chest freezer(with thermostat) can do for your beer quality! A nice new brewing system should make for an easier brew day, if not, then you are doing it wrong! :)
ReplyDeleteGood stuff. Is it really that common for parents to pay for their kids' education? I took out loans, as did my siblings. Same with my wife and her brothers.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff. Is it really that common for parents to pay for their kids' education? I took out loans, as did my siblings. Same with my wife and her brothers.
ReplyDeleteEven with loans now, you still have to pay some at many schools. Thanks for the comment
DeleteAgreed with everything in your article besides the kids education part. I was brought up with the ethic to work and pay for things myself. If my dad was buying a $5k brewing system while I paid for my own college, I wouldn't give two shits.
ReplyDeleteThis^. I might pay part or the entire tuition for the first year. I'm hoping the tuition bubble bursts within the next 16 years for my kids sake. Also, I can't brew lagers without running up my electric bill to astronomical proportions (144sq ft ferm chamber), so I choose not too. Guess I could come up with a more efficient cooling/heating system, but I'd rather spend money to finish my automated brewery. Is automation necessary? Absolutely not. Is it badass? Indeed.
DeleteJust FYI, it's pretty much impossible to "work your way through college" anymore.
DeleteI get that. I paid for my school too, It was really more about priorities than work ethic. And FlanFlen, I'm with you automation isn't necessary but it is bad ass, and cool, and more consistent. My philosophy in general is that you don't have to spend big money to have success brewing. Having said that I am a geek who owns a 1BBL gravity system. But the blog is for everyone.
DeleteJust so you know, you sent me all over the web with those links!
ReplyDeleteFWIW, I saw the same thing with photography. The urge to upgrade / add equipment. "If I just add / do this... things will be so much better". There is some truth to that, after all, every step in the right directions helps. But, if you don't have the fundamentals down, the fine tuning isn't going to help much.
Have been enjoying your posts.