Zombie Dust Clone

This is the clone John designed for Zombie Dust.  It is nearly spot on.   Attenuation and proper fermentation are important with this recipe.  It will fade fast if you do not do appropriate water adjustments.   You might consider some gypsum in the boil to make the flavors pop.   This should be consumed fresh.  2-6 weeks after bottling it will peak.   If you keg, you can extend the life of the beer for a while, but like all great IPAs and pale ales it will fade with time.

Zombie Dust Clone.

5.5 Gallons
1.055 OG
1.008 FG
63 IBU
7  SRM
6%  ABV

Grain Bill
10.3 # Two Row or Pale Malt
0.6  #  Crystal 40

Hop & Additions Schedule
0.7 ounces CITRA 60 minutes (or first wort hop)
0.7 ounces CITRA 20 minutes
1.1 ounces CITRA 10 minutes
Whirflock or Irish Moss 10 minutes
Yeast Nutrient 10 minutes
1.1 ounces CITRA 1 minute
1.1 ounces CITRA  14 days (add at the end of high Krausen)

US 05 - 15 grams Re-hydrated

Gelatin Fining

Mash at 152 F for 60 minutes
mash out at 168 F for 10 minutes

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